A lot can be achieved with good ideas. And sold.
brandangels develop social media marketing and social selling in line with your corporate design and brand messages. Instead of just posting colorful pictures, we post relevant content. In networks like tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn.
In collaboration with you, the client, we develop a social media strategy that fits your brand, your company, and the rest of your communication. Goals, target groups and story are developed in a workshop. brandangels recommend a selection of efficient and useful platforms, create editorial plans, find relevant content, and take care of community management.


Influencer marketing is an important tool in digital social marketing. But: Bloggers, YouTubers or Instagrammers can only increase reach and awareness if they are credible. Which influencer fits the brand and the target group? How do you ensure good cooperation with influencers? How can the success of influencer campaigns be measured? brandangels ensure that brand ambassadors are used successfully.


Every day, your customers can choose from an enormous flood of information, photos, videos and offers. To get messages and images noticed at all, you need relevant, authentic content that fits your brand: Branded Content. This requires creativity, speed, and an aesthetic, recognizable visual language. brandangels has access to a large network of experienced experts: Designers, photographers, videographers, editors, and copywriters.


For some companies, it can make sense for trained employees to play on social media independently. This gives you control over your own platforms. brandangels train your employees in the use of Facebook, Instagram, and other communication channels. Whether latest tools and trends or creative handling of text, moving images and photography – with this coaching you save time and avoid beginner mistakes. Depending on your wishes, you can book half-day, full-day, or multi-day workshops.


Wir setzen Content in Bewegtbild um: als Video, Imagefilm, Animatic, Viral
Spot, Produktvideo, Erklärvideo, Interview oder Reportage. Für alle digitale
Kanäle. Wir konzipieren und entwickeln Video-Ideen, die zu Ihrer Marke, zum
aktuellen Thema und dem Social Media Channel passen. Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl der Produktion, dem PPM und Dreh und/oder Schnitt sowie der Vertonung. Auf Wunsch, begleiten wir den gesamten Ablauf bis das Video
perfekt ist. Ihr Video oder Unternehmensfilm hat eine Idee, ist gut produziert und transportiert die richtigen Botschaften.


Sie haben sicher bemerkt: Social Media Marketing ist richtige Arbeit. Deshalb legen Sie Ihre nächste Social-Media-Strategie in erfahrene Hände. Brandangels helfen Ihnen, Ihre Marke im Trend zu halten und bei Ihrer Zielgruppe im Gedächtnis zu bleiben. Lernen Sie uns persönlich kennen. Am Telefon oder Live.

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Auszug aus unserer Kundenliste:
DOUGLAS Parfümerien, Sektgeneration Y
Singer-Fischer, J.T. Ronnefeldt KG, adiuvantis
Digtiale Bildung, Kneipp Naturkosmetik,
Grace Impact, BÜROPLAN, vee collective